Professional Development Ideas

Professional Development Ideas

Talking innovation is much easier than taking action. Claiming it will not flip a switch and suddenly add innovation into an organization’s DNA. People typically need new mindsets and ways of working. This is one of the biggest mistakes I see—an organization...
Getting Started with Innovation

Getting Started with Innovation

Over lunch recently, a new contact shared his struggle to make innovation happen within his company. Hundreds of people. Many different roles and skill levels, and a varying appetite for innovation. Getting everyone on the same page had become a wicked problem. As he...
Living Values

Living Values

  Core values sometimes get a bad rap. There are plenty of companies who treat them merely as an item to check off the list. Once written, they go by the wayside, collecting dust in an annual report somewhere. But they can be an incredibly useful tool for...
Regaining Focus

Regaining Focus

It will be holiday break before we know it. I can already feel the pull of family movie night with hot cocoa and marathon cookie baking. But I’m also looking at my to-do list, and there are a few important projects and tasks that just can’t wait until after break....
Observation as a Super Power

Observation as a Super Power

Being highly observant is one of those super power kind of skills, with many applications in personal and business worlds. I believe it can make us better humans—more attentive and responsive to the people in our lives. And at work, observation can help us find...