by Sara McGuyer | Nov 29, 2017 | Culture |
This month marks a big milestone for YAY – moving into a new office! I started off thinking I’d do a pretty comprehensive search, but I fell fast in love with the brand new Industrious office on Mass Ave. Move in date was November 1st, and I’ve spent the last month...
by Sara McGuyer | Oct 18, 2017 | Work |
Being highly observant is one of those super power kind of skills, with many applications in personal and business worlds. I believe it can make us better humans—more attentive and responsive to the people in our lives. And at work, observation can help us find...
by Sara McGuyer | Sep 22, 2017 | Creativity |
At the start of any new branding or design project, there’s a lovely honeymoon phase where nothing is decided and the sky is the limit. I’m a dreamer, and I like being in that wide open discovery phase. I’ve done this enough to know eventually, things start to click...
by Sara McGuyer | Aug 15, 2017 | Ideas |
“I hate it when I realize I’m on someone’s journey.” Ouch. My husband declared this after he ordered audio equipment from a company for the first time. Within hours of placing his order, he got a phone call from a customer rep to confirm the order and thank him for...
by Sara McGuyer | Jul 31, 2017 | Creativity |
I was talking to several friends about their work week recently. I heard a lot of old familiar pains. Back-to-back meetings. Packed days. Draining sessions. Busy, busy, busy. I remember that crunch all too well. In those days, I felt lucky if I could come up for air...