Yonder is a place we'll go.
A gripping story. A stronger brand. More delightful experiences for your employees or customers. A renewed sense of purpose. We call all of those things Yonder, a place we'll journey together.Who is YAY?
Founded in January 2017, Yes and Yonder exists to make the world a more creative place. We help organizations solve complex challenges and create distinct brands and experiences using human-centered design methods with an immersive, collaborative approach. Everything we do – experience design, branding, facilitation – builds toward an inventive future for your organization and the people you serve.
Telling the Story of Change
Change is going to hurt a little. Trying new ways or working, letting go of old habits, restructures. It’s only natural as human beings to feel uncertain and uncomfortable. In my experience, people who act out or resist usually know deep down that change is needed. It...
Teaching and Creating a Learning Culture
There's something quite thrilling about having mastery of your domain, being in the zone, and zipping through your work. It feels good to be the expert. Expertise often comes with the expectation of training others within your organization. But teaching is about much...
Team Retreat Extras
Since we don’t often get this level of undivided team attention and strategy time, it’s tempting to pack a team retreat full to the brim, so there’s no breathing room. This is one of the main cautions I share with people when I’m helping plan a retreat. It’s really...